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Just Show Up & Shine Header Right v9

Have you ever finished working with a client and thought, This work is so powerful. If I could just reach more people...

You can reach more people. Actually, you must reach more people. The world needs you right now, but not in the old way.

You're not being called to hustle, overwork, or drown yourself in tasks that aren't in your realm of brilliance. 

You're being called to welcome support so that you can Just Show Up & Shine.

What if your business had the capacity to guide millions of people through your work with grace and ease? What if supporting millions of people didn't cause any extra strain or stress on your nervous system?

Your business is ready to gracefully expand to a larger capacity, but it needs the right support.

I'm Lloyd Burnett, the creator of the Just Show Up & Shine agency. My team and I have an offer for you: 

Invite us onto the journey with you and allow us to translate your vision into a business with automation, eCourses, membership sites, signature programs, magnetic pages, empowerment marketing, sovereign sales, and seamless processes that create a solid and consistent business that holds and amplifies the power of your gifts.

To see how we can support your business in holding the full strength of your gifts, read through our Done for You options below and click the button below to schedule a time to connect with us.

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Our Done for You Options

Lloyd Everything v2

With the Everything DFY Package, we take care of everything. We'll set up your eCourse, membership site, automations, funnels, marketing & sales strategy, Meta Ads and even copywriting.

Even though you won't be doing the work, you'll have full control over the direction of your business, marketing and sales. Nothing will go public without your seal of approval.

This package is our top tier business-building experience. You will get to focus solely on your gifts, creativity, and servicing your clients while leaving the backend, business-building tasks in the hands of an experienced and competent team.

With the Even More DFY Package, you'll be able to let go of more of the tedious, business-building tasks so that you can focus on other aspects of your purpose that light you up.

We'll take care of most of your business needs such as setting up your eCourse, membership site, automations, funnels, and marketing & sales strategy.

This package is our middle tier business-building experience. It will give you more space to focus on your gifts, creativity, and the servicing of your clients, but won't cover copywriting, nor ads. 

Lloyd even more v2
Lloyd a lot v2

With the A Lot DFY Package, you'll be able to enjoy the gifts of expert business-building support, while also getting your hands in the process as well. 

We'll take care of a lot of your behind-the-scenes business needs such as setting up your business and organizing it in a way that feels easy and intuitive.

With this option, we also take care of a lot of your tech needs such as setting up your funnel pages and automation as well as troubleshooting the technology during your launch.

This is our most basic business-building experience. It includes most tech set-up, and guidance/feedback of other important areas such as copywriting, graphic design, and Meta Ads. 

Important Details to Consider

Pricing Transparency: Our most basic package starts at around $850 per month. Our top-tier package starts at around $2500 per month. We create specific payment options based on the energy. There are pay-in-full discounts as well. 

Additional Costs to Consider: Your investment in all options (A Lot, Even More, and Everything) doesn't include Meta Ad spend or subscriptions to any platforms. Here are some additional costs we invite you to consider: 

  • Meta Ad Spend
  • Simplero (starting at $59/mo.)
  • Optional: Acuity Calendar (starting at $27/mo.)
  • Webinar Platform of Your Choice (starting at $10-$78/mo.)
  • Optional: Zapier ($29.99)
  • Optional: ClickUp (starting at $12/mo.)
  • Optional, but encouraged: Deadline Funnel (starting @ $99/mo.)
  • Optional: Video Hosting Platform (starting at $60/year.)

Another cost to consider is legal documentation such as website disclaimer, privacy policy, terms of service, and client agreements. We have a close partnership with a lawyer who provides our clients with reasonably priced DIY legal documents.

Approximate Timelines for Our Work Together

Everyone's business journey is different. We do not guarantee results or timelines, but here is a typical timeline for the DFY package experience.

1st Phase Set Up: It takes roughly 2-6 weeks to get your business set up. 
2nd Phase Testing & TweakingIt takes roughly 2-6 weeks to test and tweak the strategy.
3rd Phase ScaleAfter we are happy with the results, we will scale to reach more people.
4th Phase Monitor & Continue to OptimizeThings are working now, and we're monitoring the results and optimizing any aspect of the funnel that underperforms.

Profitability Intention

I know that this is a big investment in yourself and your business. I wish I could predict the future and guarantee your specific results to make this decision easier. However, I cannot guarantee anything other than my team's commitment to you and your business.

Our intention is that you become profitable within three months and recoup your investment within five to six months.

Here is a sample calculation of how this could happen. These figures do not have to represent how you price your offerings. They are just examples*.

Your eCourse price: $278
Your individual package price: $1,000 for three sessions 

Month One:    0 eCourse sales + 0 Individual sales   = $0 in revenue
Month Two:    10 eCourse sales + 1 Individual sale     = $3,078 in revenue
Month Three: 20 eCourse sales + 2 Individual sales = $7,560 in revenue
Month Four:   35 eCourse sales + 3 Individual sales   = $12,730 in revenue
Month Five:    50 eCourse sales + 4 Individual sales  = $17,900 in revenue
Month Six:      70 eCourse sales + 5 Individual sales   = $24,460 in revenue

*Please remember that this is not a guarantee of results. This is an intention for you. In reality, you could generate even more revenue or less revenue.


Your Business Must Grow

Hey there powerful Soul,

I'm Lloyd Burnett. Our decision to work together can't be purely about making money. It has to be about a mutual win/win/win. 

You and I must win.
Your clients must win.
All of humanity, the planet, and the Universe must win.

Your business must grow not just to create abundance for you but to support humanity in entering a new paradigm of connection and collaboration.

I'm sure you feel our system's state of collective disconnection, fear, and fragility. This is because we are at a tipping point. We can no longer continue extracting from ourselves, one another, or the planet. We must shift into a new way of being based on connection and collaboration.

This starts with you and me. It begins with us entrepreneurs with a creative spark and a responsibility to shine our light for humanity's continued growth and evolution.  

If you run a successful business in a way that inspires connection, collaboration, and collective wins, others will begin to model you. This will encourage humanity to adopt a new way of treating ourselves, others, and our planet.

This is why your business must grow. This is why I'm committed to seeing your work expand gracefully and efficiently as you reach the people who need your work the most and allow your business to serve as a model for a new, upgraded way of treating ourselves, others, and our planet. 

Big Love,


Schedule a Connection Call

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